path: root/mask_tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mask_tests')
-rw-r--r--mask_tests/asdf.pngbin0 -> 1073534 bytes
7 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mask_tests/; b/mask_tests/;
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..665c6ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask_tests/;
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+unsigned int secant_fractal(double x, double y, unsigned int escape, unsigned int iterations) {
+ for(unsigned int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
+ double next_x;
+ next_x = x / cos(y);
+ y = y / cos(x);
+ x = next_x;
+ if((pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) >= escape) return iter;
+ }
+unsigned int cosecant_fractal(double x, double y, unsigned int escape, unsigned int iterations) {
+ for(unsigned int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
+ double next_x;
+ next_x = x / sin(y);
+ y = y / sin(x);
+ x = next_x;
+ if((pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) >= escape) return iter;
+ }
+__kernel void render_frame(__global unsigned int *frame_output, //uint8_t *mask, //more bit depth is possible
+ double x_step, double y_step,
+ double x_start, double y_start,
+ unsigned int iterations, unsigned int escape, double ratio) {
+ unsigned int result;
+ double on_x = (get_global_id(0) * x_step) + x_start;
+ double on_y = (get_global_id(1) * y_step) + y_start;
+ frame_output[(get_global_id(1) * get_global_size(1)) + get_global_id(0)] =
+ secant_fractal(on_x, on_y, escape, iterations);
diff --git a/mask_tests/asdf.png b/mask_tests/asdf.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d8a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask_tests/asdf.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mask_tests/kernel.c b/mask_tests/kernel.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..669c382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask_tests/kernel.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+unsigned int secant_fractal(double x, double y, unsigned int escape, unsigned int iterations) {
+ for(unsigned int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
+ double next_x;
+ next_x = x / cos(y);
+ y = y / cos(x);
+ x = next_x;
+ if((pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) >= escape) return iter;
+ }
+unsigned int cosecant_fractal(double x, double y, unsigned int escape, unsigned int iterations) {
+ for(unsigned int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
+ double next_x;
+ next_x = x / sin(y);
+ y = y / sin(x);
+ x = next_x;
+ if((pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) >= escape) return iter;
+ }
+double cosecant_single(double a, double b) { return a / sin(b); }
+double secant_single(double a, double b) { return a / tan(b); }
+__kernel void render_frame(__global unsigned int *frame_output, __global double *mask,
+ double x_step, double y_step,
+ double x_start, double y_start,
+ unsigned int iterations, unsigned int escape, double ratio) {
+ unsigned int result;
+ double x = (get_global_id(0) * x_step) + x_start;
+ double y = (get_global_id(1) * y_step) + y_start;
+ size_t img_index = (get_global_id(1) * get_global_size(1)) + get_global_id(0);
+ unsigned int iter;
+ for(iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++) {
+ double next_x;
+ double r = mask[img_index];
+ next_x = (r * cosecant_single(x, y)) + ((1 - r) * secant_single(x, y));
+ y = (r * cosecant_single(y, x)) + ((1 - r) * secant_single(y, x));
+ x = next_x;
+ if((pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)) >= escape) break;
+ }
+ frame_output[img_index] = iter;
+ //frame_output[img_index] = mask[img_index] * 255;
diff --git a/mask_tests/mask.png b/mask_tests/mask.png
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5209b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask_tests/mask.png
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../masks/threedots.png \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mask_tests/ b/mask_tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ee801d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.animation as animation
+import pyopencl as cl
+from alive_progress import alive_bar
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseButton
+from PIL import Image
+img_res_x = 1000
+img_res_y = 1000
+total_pixels = img_res_x * img_res_y # so we don't gotta compute it every time
+periods = 1
+square_x = 0
+square_y = 0
+x_min = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+x_max = (periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+y_min = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+y_max = (periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+escape = 10000
+iterations = 255*3
+c_x = 2 * np.pi
+c_y = 2 * np.pi
+animation_progres_save = "ani1_less.mp4"
+single_frame_save = "asdf.png"
+opencl_context = cl.create_some_context(interactive=False)
+opencl_queue = cl.CommandQueue(opencl_context)
+kernel_src_path = "./kernel.c"
+frames = 1
+rendered_frames = []
+image = np.empty([img_res_x, img_res_y], np.uint32)
+# fuck this shit
+fig = plt.figure(frameon=False)
+fig.set_size_inches(img_res_x/fig.dpi, img_res_y/fig.dpi)
+#fig.set_size_inches(width/height, 1, forward=False)
+ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
+cmap =
+mask_path = "mask.png"
+bruh = None
+def on_click(event):
+ global bruh
+ split_ratio = 1
+ if (event.button is MouseButton.MIDDLE) and (event.inaxes):
+ # there's probably a way to set global coordinates;
+ # I don't expect this to go anywhere so I don't really care
+ on_x = ((event.xdata / img_res_x) * abs(x_max - x_min)) + x_min
+ on_y = ((event.ydata / img_res_y) * abs(y_max - y_min)) + y_min
+ #I, uh, also don't know the best way to replicate the openCL code automaticly in python
+ #so ajust if nessesary
+ x_hops = []
+ y_hops = []
+ for i in range(iterations):
+ x_hops.append(((on_x - x_min) / abs(x_max - x_min)) * img_res_x)
+ y_hops.append(((on_y - y_min) / abs(y_max - y_min)) * img_res_y)
+ next_x = on_x/np.tan(on_y)
+ on_y = on_y/np.tan(on_x)
+ on_x = next_x
+ if on_x**2 + on_y**2 > escape:
+ break
+ print(y_hops[0])
+ print(on_y)
+ print("{} hops".format(len(x_hops)))
+ if bruh:
+ bruh.pop(0).remove()
+ bruh = ax.plot(x_hops, y_hops)
+ plt.draw()
+ print(on_x, on_y)
+print("compiling openCL kernel...")
+with open(kernel_src_path, 'r') as kernel_src:
+ compiled_kernel = cl.Program(opencl_context,
+encoding_progress = alive_bar(frames, bar = 'filling', spinner = 'waves')
+def display_encoder_progress(current_frame: int, total_frames: int):
+ print("Encoding: frame {}/{}".format(current_frame, frames))
+#open image
+mask = np.asarray("L"), dtype=np.double)
+mask /= np.max(mask) # normalize
+#ax.imshow(mask, norm="linear")
+image_buffer = cl.Buffer(opencl_context, cl.mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, image.nbytes)
+mask_buffer = cl.Buffer(opencl_context, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, mask.nbytes)
+cl.enqueue_copy(opencl_queue, mask_buffer, mask).wait()
+#mask_buffer = cl.array.Array(opencl_context,mask.shape, dtype=np.uint8, data=mask)
+# TODO clean this up
+print("Rendering {} frames...".format(frames))
+if frames > 1:
+ with alive_bar(frames, bar = 'filling', spinner = 'waves') as bar_total:
+ for frame_i in range(0, frames):
+ compiled_kernel.render_frame(opencl_queue, image.shape, None, image_buffer,
+ np.double(abs(x_max - x_min) / img_res_x),
+ np.double(abs(y_max - y_min) / img_res_y),
+ np.double(x_min), np.double(y_min),
+ np.uint32(iterations), np.uint32(escape),
+ np.double(frame_i / frames))
+ cl.enqueue_copy(opencl_queue, image, image_buffer).wait()
+ rendered_frame = ax.imshow(image, norm="log", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, animated="True")
+ rendered_frames.append([rendered_frame])
+ bar_total()
+ print("Encoding/Saving...")
+ ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, rendered_frames, interval=30, blit=True)
+, extra_args=['-preset', 'lossless'], progress_callback=display_encoder_progress, codec="h264_nvenc")
+ compiled_kernel.render_frame(opencl_queue, image.shape, None, image_buffer, mask_buffer,
+ np.double(abs(x_max - x_min) / img_res_x),
+ np.double(abs(y_max - y_min) / img_res_y),
+ np.double(x_min), np.double(y_min),
+ np.uint32(iterations), np.uint32(escape),
+ np.double(1))
+ cl.enqueue_copy(opencl_queue, image, image_buffer).wait()
+ ax.imshow(image, norm="log", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap)
+ fig.savefig(single_frame_save)
+ plt.autoscale(False)
+ plt.connect('motion_notify_event', on_click)
diff --git a/mask_tests/ b/mask_tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd3513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.animation as animation
+import pyopencl as cl
+from alive_progress import alive_bar
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseButton
+from PIL import Image
+img_res_x = 1000
+img_res_y = 1000
+total_pixels = img_res_x * img_res_y # so we don't gotta compute it every time
+periods = 1
+square_x = 0
+square_y = 0
+x_min = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+x_max = (periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+y_min = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+y_max = (periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+escape = 10000
+iterations = 255*3
+c_x = 2 * np.pi
+c_y = 2 * np.pi
+animation_progres_save = "ani1_less.mp4"
+single_frame_save = "asdf.png"
+opencl_context = cl.create_some_context(interactive=False)
+opencl_queue = cl.CommandQueue(opencl_context)
+kernel_src_path = "./kernel.c"
+frames = 1
+rendered_frames = []
+image = np.empty([img_res_x, img_res_y], np.uint32)
+image_buffer = cl.Buffer(opencl_context, cl.mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, image.nbytes)
+# fuck this shit
+fig = plt.figure(frameon=False)
+fig.set_size_inches(img_res_x/fig.dpi, img_res_y/fig.dpi)
+#fig.set_size_inches(width/height, 1, forward=False)
+ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
+cmap =
+mask_path = "mask.png"
+bruh = None
+def on_click(event):
+ global bruh
+ split_ratio = 1
+ if (event.button is MouseButton.MIDDLE) and (event.inaxes):
+ # there's probably a way to set global coordinates;
+ # I don't expect this to go anywhere so I don't really care
+ on_x = ((event.xdata / img_res_x) * abs(x_max - x_min)) + x_min
+ on_y = ((event.ydata / img_res_y) * abs(y_max - y_min)) + y_min
+ #I, uh, also don't know the best way to replicate the openCL code automaticly in python
+ #so ajust if nessesary
+ x_hops = []
+ y_hops = []
+ for i in range(iterations):
+ x_hops.append(((on_x - x_min) / abs(x_max - x_min)) * img_res_x)
+ y_hops.append(((on_y - y_min) / abs(y_max - y_min)) * img_res_y)
+ next_x = on_x/np.tan(on_y)
+ on_y = on_y/np.tan(on_x)
+ on_x = next_x
+ if on_x**2 + on_y**2 > escape:
+ break
+ print(y_hops[0])
+ print(on_y)
+ print("{} hops".format(len(x_hops)))
+ if bruh:
+ bruh.pop(0).remove()
+ bruh = ax.plot(x_hops, y_hops)
+ plt.draw()
+ print(on_x, on_y)
+print("compiling openCL kernel...")
+with open(kernel_src_path, 'r') as kernel_src:
+ compiled_kernel = cl.Program(opencl_context,
+encoding_progress = alive_bar(frames, bar = 'filling', spinner = 'waves')
+def display_encoder_progress(current_frame: int, total_frames: int):
+ print("Encoding: frame {}/{}".format(current_frame, frames))
+with open G
+# TODO clean this up
+print("Rendering {} frames...".format(frames))
+if frames > 1:
+ with alive_bar(frames, bar = 'filling', spinner = 'waves') as bar_total:
+ for frame_i in range(0, frames):
+ compiled_kernel.render_frame(opencl_queue, image.shape, None, image_buffer,
+ np.double(abs(x_max - x_min) / img_res_x),
+ np.double(abs(y_max - y_min) / img_res_y),
+ np.double(x_min), np.double(y_min),
+ np.uint32(iterations), np.uint32(escape),
+ np.double(frame_i / frames))
+ cl.enqueue_copy(opencl_queue, image, image_buffer).wait()
+ rendered_frame = ax.imshow(image, norm="log", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, animated="True")
+ rendered_frames.append([rendered_frame])
+ bar_total()
+ print("Encoding/Saving...")
+ ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, rendered_frames, interval=30, blit=True)
+, extra_args=['-preset', 'lossless'], progress_callback=display_encoder_progress, codec="h264_nvenc")
+ compiled_kernel.render_frame(opencl_queue, image.shape, None, image_buffer,
+ np.double(abs(x_max - x_min) / img_res_x),
+ np.double(abs(y_max - y_min) / img_res_y),
+ np.double(x_min), np.double(y_min),
+ np.uint32(iterations), np.uint32(escape),
+ np.double(1))
+ cl.enqueue_copy(opencl_queue, image, image_buffer).wait()
+ ax.imshow(image, norm="log", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap)
+ fig.savefig(single_frame_save)
+ plt.autoscale(False)
+ plt.connect('motion_notify_event', on_click)
diff --git a/mask_tests/notes b/mask_tests/notes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50249d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask_tests/notes
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.animation as animation
+import pyopencl as cl
+from alive_progress import alive_bar
+img_res_x = 2000
+img_res_y = 2000
+total_pixels = img_res_x * img_res_y # so we don't gotta compute it every time
+periods = 1
+square_x = 0
+square_y = 0
+xmin = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+xmax = (periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+ymin = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+ymax = (periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+escape = 10000
+iterations = 255*3
+c_x = 2 * np.pi
+c_y = 2 * np.pi
+animation_progres_save = "./animations"
+frames = 120
+rendered_frames = []
+# fuck this shit
+fig = plt.figure(frameon=False)
+fig.set_size_inches(img_res_x/fig.dpi, img_res_y/fig.dpi)
+#fig.set_size_inches(width/height, 1, forward=False)
+ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.])
+cmap =
+opencl_context = cl.create_some_context()
+opencl_queue = cl.CommandQueue(opencl_context)
+#def render():
+# image = np.empty([img_res_y, img_res_x])
+# print("Rendering frames")
+# with alive_bar(frames, bar = 'filling', spinner = 'waves') as bar_total:
+# for frame in range(frames):
+# split_ratio = frame / frames
+# for pix_y, y in enumerate(np.linspace(ymin, ymax, img_res_y)):
+# for pix_x, x in enumerate(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, img_res_x)):
+# on_x = x
+# on_y = y
+# for i in range(iterations):
+# next_x = (split_ratio * (on_x/np.sin(on_y))) + ((1 - split_ratio) * on_x/np.tan(on_y))
+# on_y = (split_ratio * (on_y/np.sin(on_x))) + ((1 - split_ratio) * on_y/np.tan(on_x))
+# on_x = next_x
+# if on_x**2 + on_y**2 > escape:
+# break
+# image[pix_y][pix_x] = i
+# rendered_frame = ax.imshow(image, norm="log", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, animated=False)
+# rendered_frames.append([rendered_frame])
+# bar_total()
+def display():
+ print(rendered_frames)
+ ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, rendered_frames, interval=30, blit=True)