path: root/field_tests/
diff options
authorBrett Weiland <>2024-06-11 14:50:14 -0500
committerBrett Weiland <>2024-06-11 14:50:14 -0500
commitcb69732f68c0bd46c1574de16ce1aee6f38e439b (patch)
treedef1daaec81a0d4cd7b3d44b2c26b9535e07579c /field_tests/
Diffstat (limited to 'field_tests/')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/field_tests/ b/field_tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..af2abbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/field_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from alive_progress import alive_bar
+img_res_x = 250
+img_res_y = 250
+total_pixels = img_res_x * img_res_y # so we don't gotta compute it every time
+periods = 1
+square_x = 0
+square_y = 0
+xmin = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+xmax = (periods * np.pi) + (square_x * np.pi)
+ymin = (-periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+ymax = (periods * np.pi) + (square_y * np.pi)
+#xmin = -10
+#xmax = 10
+#ymin = -10
+#ymax = 10
+escape = 10000
+iterations = 255*3
+c_x = 2 * np.pi
+c_y = 2 * np.pi
+grid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 200), np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 200))
+#image = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(ymin, ymax, img_res_y), np.linspace(xmin, xmax, img_res_x))
+image = np.zeros([img_res_y, img_res_x], dtype=np.double)
+class point_charge():
+ def __init__(self, x, y, c, mod):
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ self.c = c
+ self.mod = mod
+ def get_field(self, to_x, to_y):
+ if(self.mod):
+ to_x = (to_x % self.mod)
+ to_y = (to_y % self.mod)
+ return np.array([
+ ((self.c * (self.x - to_x)) / ((self.x - to_x)**2 + (self.y - to_y)**2)**1.5),
+ ((self.c * (self.y - to_y)) / ((self.x - to_x)**2 + (self.y - to_y)**2)**1.5)])
+#will remove all the point charge code if it turns out to be good enough to be impliemnted into openCL
+#point_charges = [point_charge(-5, -5, 100), point_charge(-5, 5, -100), point_charge(5, 0, 100)]
+#point_charges = [point_charge(-1,-1, 100, 10), point_charge(1,1,-100, 0)]
+point_charges = []
+ax = plt.gca()
+fig = plt.gcf()
+#ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
+#ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
+vector_arrows = None
+def show_field():
+ global vector_arrows
+ grid_f = np.zeros_like(grid)
+ for p in point_charges:
+ grid_f += p.get_field(grid[0], grid[1])
+ #plt.streamplot(grid[0], grid[1], grid_f[0], grid_f[1], density=5)
+ vector_arrows = plt.quiver(grid[0], grid[1], grid_f[0], grid_f[1])
+ plt.pause(.1)
+timestep = .1
+def test_sim():
+ particle_grid = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 100), np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100))
+ pos = particle_grid
+ acceleration = np.zeros_like(particle_grid)
+ velocity = np.zeros_like(particle_grid)
+ velocity = [np.ones_like(particle_grid[0]) * 1, np.ones_like(particle_grid[0]) * .5]
+ mass = 10
+ charge = 1
+ particle_plot = ax.plot(velocity[0], velocity[1], 'bo', animated=True)
+ #velocity += .1
+ background = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox)
+ ax.draw_artist(vector_arrows)
+ fig.canvas.blit(fig.bbox)
+ while True:
+ fig.canvas.restore_region(background)
+ field = np.zeros_like(particle_grid)
+ # TODO can make this quicker by skipping initilization
+ for p in point_charges:
+ field += p.get_field(pos[0], pos[1])
+ acceleration = ((charge * field) / mass) * timestep
+ #print(acceleration)
+ velocity += acceleration * timestep
+ pos += velocity * timestep
+ fig.canvas.restore_region(background)
+ particle_plot[0].set_data(pos[0],pos[1])
+ ax.draw_artist(particle_plot[0])
+ fig.canvas.blit(fig.bbox)
+ fig.canvas.flush_events()
+ plt.pause(1/60)
+ #fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+max_timesteps = 10
+def get_fractal_iter(img):
+ next_x = img[1][y][x] / np.sin(img[0][y][x])
+ img[0][y][x] = img[0][y][x] / np.sin(img[1][y][x])
+ img[1][y][x] = next_x
+ if (np.square(img[0][y][x]) + np.square(img[1][y][x])) >= escape:
+ z[y][x] = i
+#meshgrid makes things slower as we can't test individual points for breaking to infinity;
+#however, I will fix that later.
+cmap =
+with alive_bar(img_res_y, bar = 'filling', spinner = 'waves') as bar:
+ for pix_y, y in enumerate(np.linspace(ymin, ymax, img_res_y)):
+ for pix_x, x in enumerate(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, img_res_x)):
+ on_x = x
+ on_y = y
+ for i in range(iterations):
+ completed_ratio = (((pix_x * pix_y * 1)) / total_pixels)
+ next_x = on_x/np.sin(on_y)
+ on_y = on_y/np.sin(on_x)
+ on_x = next_x
+ # do physics here - we could just use vectors but i keep rewriting things
+ timesteps = max_
+ acceleration = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.double)
+ velocity = np.array([on_x, on_y], dtype=np.double) # maybe multiply by stuff
+ pos = np.array([0,0], dtype=np.double)
+ for t in range(timesteps):
+ for p in point_charges:
+ acceleration += p.get_field(on_x, on_y)
+ velocity += acceleration
+ pos += velocity * (timesteps)
+ on_x += pos[0]
+ on_y += pos[1]
+ if on_x**2 + on_y**2 > escape:
+ image[pix_x][pix_y] = i
+ break
+ bar()
+ax.imshow(image, norm="log", aspect="auto", cmap=cmap)
+# yeah, I shouldn't have switched to a meshgrid, oh well
+#z = np.empty_like(image[0])
+with alive_bar(img_res_x, bar = 'filling', spinner = 'waves') as bar:
+ for y in range(img_res_y):
+ for x in range(img_res_x):
+ for i in range(iterations):
+ if image[0][y][x] == np.NAN:
+ continue
+ next_x = image[1][y][x] / np.sin(image[0][y][x])
+ image[0][y][x] = image[0][y][x] / np.sin(image[1][y][x])
+ image[1][y][x] = next_x
+ if (np.square(image[0][y][x]) + np.square(image[1][y][x])) >= escape:
+ z[y][x] = i
+ image[0][y][x] = np.NAN
+ image[1][y][x] = np.NAN
+ break
+# #do physics here
+ bar()
+#image = np.clip(image, -escape, escape)