path: root/software_pwm_old.cb
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Diffstat (limited to 'software_pwm_old.cb')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/software_pwm_old.cb b/software_pwm_old.cb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db609af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software_pwm_old.cb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <avr/io.h>
+#include <avr/interrupt.h>
+#include "software_pwm.h"
+#include "pins.h"
+static struct pwm_event {
+ //ENTIRE port
+ //(ex if pin 3, 2, 4 are on and we want 6, this should be 0b01011100)
+ uint8_t port;
+ uint8_t time;
+ struct pwm_event **map_ptr;
+static struct pwm_event *pin_event_map[SOFTPWM_PIN_COUNT];
+void init_softpwm() {
+ SOFTPWM_DDR = 0xff;
+ for(size_t event_i = 0; event_i < SOFTPWM_PIN_COUNT; event_i++) {
+ pin_event_map[event_i] = &events[event_i];
+ events[event_i].map_ptr = &pin_event_map[event_i];
+ events[event_i].time = event_i + 1;
+ events[event_i].port = (1 << (event_i + 1)) - 1;
+ }
+ //use external 10mhz clock (we just have one laying around)
+ //then prescale by 1024. Check at different freqs for brightness
+ TCCR0A = 0b00000010;
+ TIMSK0 = 0b00000011;
+ OCR0A = events[0].time;
+ TIFR0 = 0b00000010; //interupts enabled!
+ sei();
+static void event_move(struct pwm_event *dest, struct pwm_event *src) {
+ *dest = *src;
+ *(dest->map_ptr) = src;
+ * okay, let me explain. This is really weird and gross, I know.
+ * I did it when I was *very* low on sleep.
+ * Why did I do it like this? Well, I was worried about accuracy;
+ * for some stupid reason I thought I really needed the actual pwm ISR to be as fast
+ * as possible. I don't feel like redoing this in a simpler fasion,
+ * so while this code *is* embaracing, I'll get around to it later.
+ **/
+void softpwm_set(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value) {
+ struct pwm_event *event_to_shift;
+ struct pwm_event modified_event_cpy = *pin_event_map[pin];
+ modified_event_cpy.time = value;
+ if(value < modified_event_cpy.time) {
+ for(event_to_shift = pin_event_map[pin - 1];
+ (event_to_shift >= events)
+ || (modified_event_cpy.time < event_to_shift[-1].time);
+ event_to_shift = &event_to_shift[-1])
+ {
+ event_to_shift->port |= (1 << pin);
+ event_move(&event_to_shift[1], event_to_shift);
+ }
+ event_move(&event_to_shift[1], &modified_event_cpy);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(value > modified_event_cpy.time) {
+ for(event_to_shift = pin_event_map[pin + 1];
+ (event_to_shift < &events[SOFTPWM_PIN_COUNT])
+ || (modified_event_cpy.time > event_to_shift[1].time);
+ event_to_shift = &event_to_shift[1])
+ {
+ event_to_shift->port &= ~(1 << pin);
+ event_move(&event_to_shift[-1], event_to_shift);
+ }
+ }
+ event_move(&event_to_shift[-1], &modified_event_cpy);
+ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) {
+ PORTA ^= 1;
+//ISR for pwm timer. Need to look at assembly output to ensure proper optimization
+//(would it be faster to have two different arrays vs a struct? idk if the offset is computed compile or runtime)
+ISR(TIMER0_COMP_vect) {
+ static uint8_t eventcount = 0;
+ //eventcount = (eventcount <= SOFTPWM_PIN_COUNT) ? eventcount + 1 : 0;
+ SOFTPWM_PORT = events[eventcount].port;
+ eventcount = (eventcount + 1) % 8;
+ OCR0A = events[eventcount].time;
+ PORTA ^= 2;