# IndigoOS IndigoOS (name likely to change) will be a unix-like operating system for x86-64 computers. I'm hoping to impliment many things a modern operating system would have, including a desktop enviornment, pre-emptive multithreading, ASLR, and memory protection. I'd also like to port games such as DOOM and Quake. # Project scope While I'm loving this project, I do want it to be "done" at some point so I can work on other things. Because of this, my OS will be very simple, monolithic, and may not have all the bells and wistles of other osdev projects. I'm not planning on implimenting my own libc, and when I get to user space, will end up porting a few programs instead of writing my own (such as Xorg or QT). With all that out of the way, check out the features. # Planned Features * SMP multi-core support * Preemptive multithreading * Unix-like file structure (/proc, /sys, /dev) * Port of ether X-org or wayland, combined with a complete WM * Basic network stack * ex2 filesystem * Pseudoterminals * Ports of other software I like, such as bash, vim, some old 3d games # Project status This project will likely go very slow and take multiple years, as I'm dealing with things such as college and adulting. If there are blatently obvious bugs, or things look unfinished, I'm still working on them. Additionally, there's some pretty messy code. I've improved over the durentation of this project, so expect those things to be changed some time down the line.