ELA FINAL NOTES Main idea: We must have the government step in to create new regulations Outline: 1: Intro Buying out of companies allows for abuse Dependences also allow for abuse Net neutrallity allows for abuse Teir flattening is a method of abuse 2: Intro dependencies allow for abuse, privacy buying companies allow for abuse net neutrallity allows for abuse how net neutrallity repeal has been abused how companies abused with teir flattining "quirks and nuances and daily habits and can targetthem individually" "https://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/traffic_analysis" - usage statistics https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-i-tried-and-failed-to-quit-google/ - other services Quote 1: "Quirks and nuances" Quote 2: "forgo the user of google" Quote 3: "Over the top services" Quote 4: Quote 5: "I spent hours researching software and applications" Ideas: Large companies, primarily google, violate our privacy. "Drawing on the teribytes of..." We can't opt out, because State the obvious, we can't not use tech "Drawing on the terribytes of... https://jccc.instructure.com/courses/38183/pages/week-13 "They were using 40-50,000 diffrent variances of each ad..." https://jccc.instructure.com/courses/38183/assignments/745636 Google Analytics included in everything. Even if blocked in firefox, every electron app has them Open source alternatives are not friendly, it makes it hard to switch over. Timeline of mobile companies breaking up and then merging back All merged into sprint, att, tmobile, verizon in 2008 t-mobile bought sprint Bell companies currently broken into att (consumer), verizon (consumer), and lumen tech (not consumer) att, verizon, t-mobile verizon: 120.3 subs att: 100.7 subs t-mobile: 100.3 subs dish wireless: 9.4 subs us cellular: 4.9 subs gci wireless: 0.219 subs Net neutrallity abuse comcast manipulated p2p 2007 att forced apple to block skype 2007-2009 att sprint and verizon blocked google wallet from 2011-2013 att threatened to disable facetime whithout plan 2012 Teir flattening? Makes it harder for poor communities to buy cheaper internet. Makes all speeds close to the same price. Awfly ironic for net companies opposing net neutrallity to lower prices for poor communities. https://www.digitalinclusion.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/NDIA-Tier-Flattening-July-2018.pdf DMCA, github, google P2P packet manipulation by comcast in 2007, but fcc steped in... Politics, online spending https://www.opensecrets.org/online-ads When ads are micropersonalized and bought by the milllions, whoever has more money can cause bias (cite democracy ela article) FCC and net neutrallity Possible sources: https://www.digitalinclusion.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/NDIA-Tier-Flattening-July-2018.pdf Tier flattening https://www.technologizer.com/2011/03/20/att-buys-t-mobile/ https://www.freepress.net/our-response/expert-analysis/explainers/net-neutrality-violations-brief-history - proof that they would block with net neutrallity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mobile_network_operators_of_the_Americas#United_States State the obvious, we can't not use tech