#include #include #include #include "city.h" int main() { const unsigned int ROBBER_WIN_VAL = 438; const unsigned int MAX_TURNS = 30; const unsigned int RAND_SEED = 85; city::CITY_STATUS status = city::CITY_STATUS::CONTINUE; city engine(ROBBER_WIN_VAL, MAX_TURNS); srand(RAND_SEED); while(status == city::CITY_STATUS::CONTINUE) { status = engine.runTurn(); engine.printMap(); } switch(status) { case city::CITY_STATUS::COPS_WIN: std::cout << "Cops win the case due to all robbers being arrested." << std::endl; break; case city::CITY_STATUS::ROBBERS_MAX_VAL: std::cout << "Robbers win due to collectively obtaining more then $" << ROBBER_WIN_VAL << std::endl; break; case city::CITY_STATUS::ROUNDS_DEPLETED: std::cout << "Robbers win because the maximum number of turns (" << MAX_TURNS << ") have been reached." << std::endl; break; case city::CITY_STATUS::CONTINUE: //prevent compiler warning break; } std::cout << "Summary of chase: \n" << std::endl; engine.summarize(); return 0; }